Social Justice Book Club Meeting #1
SJBC Meeting #1 Rhoades, Niko (holding Alfredo the Goose) and Ash Earlier today marked the first meeting of the SJBC, or rather the first meeting that people came to. This was not for a lack of trying. I advertised heavily with the Youth Justice Coalition through their private messaging app with over 150 members, promoted the club through PFLAG Lawrenceville, reached out to Lilburn Pride (a local city's LGBT group on Facebook, worked through individual teachers on Facebook, and tried reaching out to Katie Rinderlee and Anthony Downer who are two of my heroes who have been doing youth justice work for years. However, the individual connections I made with two exceptional people through PFLAG made it happen. PFLAG, for reference, is the largest LGBT support group in the country, with over 500 sites nationwide. PFLAG stands for parents and families of lesbians and gays, and it was founded fifty years ago when language was different, and there were fewer terms for labels and ide...