The In and Out
I want this blog to be a place where I talk about more than just my journey with education; I need a space to talk about my journey in general. Reflective practices do not just exist in the vacuum of the classroom but are behavior that can be honed across the whole of a person's existence. The act of reflection is one of the strongest predictors of success because it reminds us of what we have learned and mastered. It helps us to remember and to frame our thinking in a meaningful way. It does more than allow us to conceptualize our memories: reflection creates space for action.
It is in this place that we can change and grow.
The best mentors I have had in my life have all been reflective. This act of stopping to breathe. We fill our lungs with air, our chest expands, and we become conscious once again of ourselves. So much in life would like to trick us - to make us think that we do not exist beyond the forces that come to bear on our lives. This is not so. In breathing, we realize ourselves and our bodies. We remember what is important to us. Oftentimes, this is very different from what the world is demanding right this second. So instead of acting first, we take time to breathe and to feel with our minds.
I think that is another way of thinking about reflection: feeling with the mind.
As some words of caution, reflection is an art. It's a lot more than just judging our actions or being critical. It's not about perfection; it's about the beginning and continuing practice until praxis. Reflection is small acts that lead to action. It's breathing. We do not always take giant gulps or breathe as deeply as we possibly can. Breathing is about context. However, if we are not mindful of our breathing, then we breathe the same way constantly. Worse, we do not notice our breath at all. As a result, we lose our ability to reflect, just like any unworked muscle.
So breathe, but be mindful.
Reflect, but focus on actions more than judgments.
Take time to feel with your mind.
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